BOOK Reveal & Table Talk for "Overcoming Barriers for Women of Color in STEM Fields"
Thanks to everyone that participated in the LIVE Book Reveal and Table Talk for “Overcoming Barriers for Women of Color in STEM Fields: Emerging Research and Opportunities”. The authors shared their wisdom and inspired the audience through an engaging conversation of topics that continue to impact the trajectory and professional progression of Women of Color in STEM spaces.
If you would like to relive the event OR send it to friends and colleagues that were unable to join, the webinar can be seen at the following link: Unanswered questions from the event will be responded to as soon as possible and those discussions can be found on the Updates page.
Used as a resource in African American and Gender studies courses, professional and personal libraries, STEM book clubs, mentoring organizations, this text will provide a jump start to courageous conversations and discussions around being a woman (or girl) of color in STEM without fear. This text is a must have for everyone (academicians, researchers, K-12 teachers, mentors, thought leaders, industry leaders, and professional organizations) seeking to empower, encourage, and give voice to women and girls of color in STEM. For those seeking to make substantive, permanent, systematic changes in their departments, colleges, institutions, and professional organizations, this book is for you as well. #OvercomingBarriers #WOCinSTEM #CreatingStemEcosystems #WOCCollaborations
The book may be purchased using either of the following links:
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